What challenges are parents facing with distance learning?
All respondents living with one or more children in K-12 who had some remote education in the spring were asked about the challenges they faced with distance learning. Using results from the survey, the research team released a data brief highlighting the frustrations caretakers had with virtual schooling in the 2020-2021 school year. Some of the most common frustrations included student attention problems, low social interaction, and low teacher interaction. The research team then followed up with a subset of respondents to see what were the challenges their students had with schooling in the 2021-2022 school year, highlighted in this data brief and how these challenges varied by demographics and type of schooling, highlighted in this data brief.
These open-ended responses will be helpful to determine what terms to search for on social media in order to identify posts discussing homeschooling.
Suggested Citation: Davis-Kean, P., Ryan, R., Singh, L., & Wang, Y. (2022). The “New” Normal for Schooling. MOSAIC Data Brief: August 2022. Measuring Online Social Attitudes and Information Collaborative.
Suggested Citation: Davis-Kean, P., Ryan, R., & Singh, L. (2021). Nothing is Normal: Schooling During COVID-19. MOSAIC Data Brief: December 2021. Measuring Online Social Attitudes and Information Collaborative.
Suggested Citation: Davis-Kean, P., Ryan, R., Singh, L., & Waters, N. (2021). Groundhog day: Homeschooling in the time of COVID-19. MOSAIC Data Brief: August 2021. Measuring Online Social Attitudes and Information Collaborative.
Subgroup team members include Pam Davis-Kean, Rebecca Ryan, and Lisa Singh.
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash